In the interim, the containment for the water slurry output of the drilling process has been dug out. There was an existing draining ditch in front of the property, though it was shallow (only about a foot deep at the deepest) it does run the length of the frontage. The driller needed a containment pond for the drilling slurry to sit in and evaporate. I suggested digging the drainage ditch deeper and to use it instead of digging something new. They agreed and today we have a draining ditch that goes five feet deep and about 65 feet long. After the water has evaporated (or been pumped to water the trees!), I will refill it to a depth of about 2 feet and line it with rock. This will improve the drainage and channel it to the open acreage area. (In my dreams there would be an underground cistern to hold a couple of thousand gallons of runoff water to use for irrigation...)

^ The drainage ditch before digging ^

^ Digging begins ^

^Completed digging: 5 feet deep and 60+ feet long ^
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