Monday, May 23, 2011

Drilling Begins (At Last!)

We had a delay of a week due to some mechanical issues with the driller's truck. Another truck was brought out of storage and the remaining equipment was delivered today. A large air compressor trailer was hauled out to power the drilling unit. They arrived around noon (after delays going through Jerome) and worked until 5pm.

Above is the drilling tower, now upright.

The "business end" of the drill...check out the rotating teeth

Drill poised to begin

End of day, first bore underway. The foamy mud is a by-product of the water/air used to move things along. The excess goes into the ditch that was dug.

Here's the ditch with mud slurry in it.

End of the first drilling day!

1 comment:

Pete said...

"Drill baby Drill"