Saturday, June 20, 2009

What is APS Thinking...Or What, Is APS Thinking?

OK, so here's the WTF item of the day. APS sent out a cheery email telling me to check out their website and the new account information available. Things like comparisons of our usage to others, how much it costs to run our household, how our bill compares this year to last year. You get the idea.

So I went to the site and logged in. As I reviewed the one page synopsis, something stood out. As you all know, we went solar this year, and have a grid-tied system. We generate more than we use, typically 2 to 3 times more each day than the daily consumption. Our bills hover around the $8.00 range now each month. So APS shows me a handy bar graph of my electric cost and how we stack up to "our neighbors". Sort of like the yellow sticker on a refrigerator showing how the annual cost of that model compares to others. The little chart is below. Look closely...

So according to them, my home using $8 in the last month uses more energy than similar homes in my area. More? Sure, like my average neighbors (none of whom generate electricity) have $7 bills? What kind of math do they use? I've sent them an inquiry, and we'll see how they respond. For your reading enjoyment, the entire page is below, just click on the image to see it full size and legible.

Standing far no response from APS to my inquiry.


Anonymous said...

Nick, how did your solar system do this summer? Did you get to enjoy those $8 electric bills through the hot months?

Nick Hunseder said...

As I anticipated, running two large A/C units resulted in a bill. But to put it in perspective: Last year we ran A/C from about 11am until about 7pm to conserve. This year we ran as much as was needed to be cool, and that often was 7am until 1am. Last year we had a $487 bill in August, this year it was $212.

I'm confident that by year-end we will have a surplus again and APS will be paying us.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thanks for the update!