Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Stormy weather

We've had a bit of a storm the past few days. Part of the recent landscape project was to improve drainage and water control. It seems to be working. Below is the culvert in front of the house. The water no longer comes down the driveway, instead it channels past the house and into the open land.

Out in the solar field you can see a bit of the hail that fell. We had hailstones about the size of quarters. Fortunately no damage to the panels, though production was quite low on the clouded days.

When the weather improves again, I will take some photos of the completed project, including the outdoor fireplace, cantina bar, rainwater collection systems and general landscaping. We've had 4.13 inches of rain in the last 4 days. I hope we're nearly done. The rainwater collection filled to capacity (950 gallons) in the first hour and a half of the storm!

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