I decided on a 20 foot telescoping aluminum flagpole for the mounting. I use an identical one to mount the radio repeater antenna, and it has been up for 5 years with no issue. It's a simple task to dig the hole and set the mounting sleeve in concrete, then drop in the flagpole. An added benefit is that you can easily bring the pole back down for maintenance, it's just about 6 feet tall when collapsed.
The location was selected to keep the station out of the influence of the house and nearby trees and shrubs, for both rain collection and wind measurements. It's recommended to have the wind sensor at least 4 feet above rooflines and a distance equal or greater than twice the height of the building. I chose a site in open land 100 feet away from the house.
In addition to the local display on my desk, I send data to the internet and to several sites that collect weather data and display it for personal, commercial and statistical use. At the bottom of this page are the various links to these sites. I participate in CWOP, the Citizen's Weather Observation Program, and also send to the Weather Underground (Wunderground) site.

Close-up view of instrument package

Instruments on top of collapsed pole

Making sure that the system is level

A person for some size and scale

System fully up and operational
MesoWest surface map with weather stations listed
My station is in the center of the map. Zoom in to see more details. There are two in Clarkdale, mine is the one that is lower on the screen
MesoWest Station Details for Station D4348 (me)
MesoWest Current Conditions for D4348
Weather Conditions with graphs
Living in Clarkdale - Weather
1 comment:
Pretty Cool....50 degrees. Cool
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