- You can sponsor me in our "Drive for the Last Mile" golf fundraiser. I'm supposed to hit 100 balls into the hole, and need sponsors for at least $1.00 per hole. If you want to help me to help them, click here to send me an email and I will get you the details. If the email doesn't work for you, just comment on this blog with your contact info.
- You can go to our website and click on the donation link and send money via PayPal. That's fast and easy.
- You can send a check to us at the address below:
Verde Valley Humane Society
P.O. Box 1429
Cottonwood, AZ 86326
Make checks payable to: VVHS Building Fund
If I haven't lost you yet, please read more about our Humane Society below. The photo below is of the existing building when it was opened in 1986.

When the building was opened the size was appropriate for our needs. Sadly, today is it grossly undersized, and many of the dog kennels are outdoors. Something is always in need of repair. The staff have no place to eat lunch or take a break except outdoors, under a corrugated metal roof and next to the crematory. In the heat of summer or the cold of winter, both animals and people are not in a good place.
Why we need to finish our new building:
- The current facility can no longer accommodate the rapidly increasing population of the Verde Valley. VVHS already cares for 1900-2400 animals per year.
- The current 3000 sq. ft. shelter is inadequate in many ways. Many kennels are open to the elements and all areas are overcrowded. There is no area to isolate animals with illnesses or injuries, which causes unnecessary euthanization.
- This society’s policy uses euthanasia as a last resort. Animals with serious behavior or health problems are euthanized, but at times perfectly healthy animals die simply due to a lack of space.
- The new facility will give VVHS additional dog kennels and cat cages. It will also include get-acquainted rooms, clinic/exam room, grooming area, laundry facility, ample storage areas and adequate staff facilities.
- A new facility will provide space (in the existing facility) for rehabilitating animals that are abused physically or emotionally, and allow them time for recovery before adoption.

You can read more at our website
Thank you for reading all the way through, and thank you in advance for any donation that you make. We're all counting on you!